Fresh Dairy hosts 4th farmers’ field day in kyankwanzi

    Over 370 dairy farmers attend free training on improving dairy productivity

    Fresh Dairy hosted its 4th Farmers’ Field Day for dairy farmers on 22nd June 2018 in Kyankwanzi District. The event which attracted over 370 farmers focused on offering free training on improving dairy productivity specifically on cattle drugs usage, financial insurance, milk productivity improvement and use of technology in the dairy sector, among others.

    Speaking during the event – John Gethi, Director Milk Procurement Brookside Limited, the producers of all Fresh Dairy products in Uganda thanked farmers and stakeholders for attending the annual event. He said, ‘Brookside Limited will always support farmers, their businesses and activities in Uganda.’

    As part of the Farmers Field Day, various exhibitors were showcased to include Fresh Dairy’s products and services, industry stake holder’s services and farmers’ cattle and crops. The exhibition was aimed at improving the farmers’ knowledge about available services and products in the market to support their businesses such as Human, Animal and Crop drugs, using mobile money for transactions in dairy sector, use of solar energy for irrigating pastures provided by SolarNow, financial services for farmers by Interswitch /CBA, quality modern seeds for green pastures by Biyinzika among others.

    Katurebe Bernadette Chairperson Dairy Development Authority (DDA) who attended the event as Guest of Honour, expounded on DDA’s role in regulating dairy and its products in Uganda. She vividly advised farmers on DDA’s guidelines and considerations for milk safety and explained that DDA has increased concentration on dairy in order to encourage farmers and companies to produce enough milk for the country.
    Katurebe also shared skills of improving productivity among farmers that would lead to production of high quality milk and encouraged the implementation of technology to the dairy sector.
    Fresh Dairy pledges to continue hosting annual Farmers Field Days, because they support over 30,000 farmers that it currently works with in Uganda.
